in press
S Radev, M Freeth, AR Thompson (in press).How healthcare systems are experienced by autistic adults in the United Kingdom: A meta-ethnography Autism, 13623613241235531
S Bölte, L Alehagen, MH Black, J Hasslinger, E Wessman, KL Remnélius, PB Marschik, E D’Arcy, S Crowson, M Freeth, A Seidel, S Girdler, E Zander (in press) The Gestalt of functioning in autism revisited: First revision of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Core Sets. Autism 13623613241228896
LJ Smethurst AR Thompson, M Freeth (in press) “I’ve absolutely reached rock bottom and have no energy”: The lived experience of unemployed and underemployed autistic adults Autism in Adulthood
Poole, D., Linden, A., Sedgewick, F., Allchin, O., & Hobson, H. (2024). A systematic review of pre-registration in autism research journals. Autism, 13623613241308312.
D Poole, E Gowen, E Poliakoff, A Lambrechts & LA Jones (2024). When 2 become 1: autistic simultaneity judgements about asynchronous audiovisual speech. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology
S Crowson, D Poole, K Scargill & M Freeth (2024) Understanding the Post-Diagnostic Support Priorities of Autistic Adults in the UK: A Modified Delphi Study Autism, 28(4), 854-865.
S Radev, M Freeth, AR Thompson ‘I’m not just being difficult... I’m finding it difficult’: A qualitative approach to understanding experiences of autistic parents when interacting with statutory services. Autism, 28 (6), 1394-1404.
H Smith, R Al-Jawahiri, L Stokes, M Freeth, S Frike, D Matthews, A McNeill (2024) Impaired communication ability in SOX11 syndrome Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 68 (3), 285-292.
D Poole, JA Grange, E Milne Putting the Spotlight Back Onto the Flanker Task in Autism: Autistic Adults Show Increased Interference from Foils Compared with Non-autistic Adults Journal of cognition 7 (1)
B Irvine, F Elise, J Brinkert, D Poole, EK Farran, E Milne, G Scerif, L Crane, A Remington ‘A storm of post-it notes’: Experiences of perceptual capacity in autism and ADHD Neurodiversity 2, 27546330241229004
RB Wilson, AR Thompson, G Rowse, R Smith, AS Dugdale & M Freeth (2023). Autistic women’s experiences of self-compassion after receiving their diagnosis in adulthood. Autism, 27(5), 1336-1347.
RB Wilson, AR Thompson, G Rowse, & M Freeth (2023). The experience of seeking, receiving, and reflecting upon a diagnosis of autism in the UK: A meta-synthesis of qualitative studies conducted with autistic individuals. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 103, 102135.
B López, NJ Gregory & M Freeth (2023). Social attention patterns of autistic and non-autistic adults when viewing real versus reel people. Autism, 27(8), 2372-2383.
H Smith, C Lane, R Al-Jawahiri, & M Freeth (2023). Sensory processing in Sotos syndrome and Tatton-Brown–Rahman Syndrome. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science. 132(6), 768–778
M Freeth, & EJ Morgan (2023). I see you, you see me: the impact of social presence on social interaction processes in autistic and non-autistic people. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 378(1875), 20210479.
R Al-Jawahiri, L Stokes, H Smith, A McNeill & M Freeth (2023). Behavioural characterisation of SOX11 syndrome. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 143, 104623
D Poole, M Casassus, E Gowen, Poliakoff E & LA Jones (2022). Time perception in autistic adults: Interval and event timing judgments do not differ from nonautistics. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 151(11), 2666–2682.
R Hymas, JC Badcock, E Milne (2022). Loneliness in autism and its association with anxiety and depression: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1-36.
H Smith, C Lane, R Al-Jawahiri, M Freeth. (2022) Sensory Processing in 16p11. 2 duplication and 16p11. 2 deletion Autism Research, 15 (11), 2081-2098
DM Beaton, F Sirois, E Milne (2022). The role of self-compassion in the mental health of adults with ADHD. Journal of Clinical Psychology 78(12), 2497-2512.
H Hobson, D Poole, A Pearson & S Fletcher-Watson (2022). Opening up autism research: Bringing open research methods to our field. Autism, 26(5), 1011-1013.
E Morgan, DJ Carroll, C Chow, M Freeth (2022). The effect of social presence on mentalizing behaviour. Cognitive Science, 46 (4), e13126.
R Al-Jawahiri, A Foroutan,...M Freeth....& McNeill, A. (2022). SOX11 variants cause a neurodevelopmental disorder with infrequent ocular malformations and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and with distinct DNA methylation profile. Genetics in Medicine, 24(6), 1261-1273.
A Giannadou, M Jones, M Freeth, AC Samson, E Milne (2022). Investigating neural dynamics in autism spectrum conditions outside of the laboratory using mobile electroencephalography Psychophysiology 59 (4), e13995
A Dickinson, S Jeste, E Milne (2022). Electrophysiological signatures of brain aging in autism spectrum disorder. Cortex, 148, 139-151.
DM Beaton, F Sirois, E Milne (2022). Experiences of criticism in adults with ADHD: A qualitative study PLoS One 17 (2), e0261882.
E Morgan, D Smith and M Freeth. (2021). Gaze cueing, mental states and the effect of autistic traits. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
M Freeth, R Al-Jawahiri, L Stokes and H Smith (2021). Speech, language and communication phenotyping in rare genetic syndromes: Commentary on Speech and language deficits are central to SETBP1 haploinsufficiency disorder, European Journal of Human Genetics, 29, 166–167.
A Dugdale, A Thompson, A Leedham, N Beail and M Freeth (2021). Intense connection and love: The experiences of autistic mothers, Autism, 25 (7), 1973–1984.
E Morgan, T Foulsham and M Freeth. (2021). Sensitivity to social agency in autistic adults, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 51, 3245–3255.
AP Martinez, S Wickham, G Rowse, E Milne, RP Bentall (2021). Robust association between autistic traits and psychotic-like experiences in the adult general population: epidemiological study from the 2007 Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Psychological medicine 51 (15), 2707-2713
RE Ellis, E Milne, L Levita (2021) Reduced visual cortical plasticity in autism spectrum disorder Brain Research Bulletin 170, 11-21
R Al-Jawahiri, M Jones and E Milne (2021). Spontaneous neural activity relates to psychiatric traits in 16p11. 2 CNV carriers: an analysis of EEG spectral power and multiscale entropy, Journal of Psychiatric Research, 136, 610–618.
C Lane, K Tatton-Brown and M Freeth. (2020). Tatton-Brown-Rahman syndrome: cognitive and behavioural phenotypes, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 62 (8), 93–998.
AP Martinez, S Wickham, G Rowse, E Milne and RP Bentall. (2020). Robust association between autistic traits and psychotic-like experiences in the adult general population: epidemiological study from the 2007 Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey and replication with the 2014 APMS, Psychological Medicine, 51 (15), 1–7.
AP Martinez, MJ Dorahy, A Nesbit, R Palmer and W Middleton. (2020). Delusional beliefs and their characteristics: a comparative study between Dissociative Identity Disorder and Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders, Journal of Psychiatric Research, 131, 263–268.
DM Beaton, F Sirois and E Milne. (2020) Self-compassion and Perceived Criticism in Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Mindfulness, 11, 2506–2518.
M Freeth, E Morgan, P Bugembe and A Brown. (2020) How accurate are autistic adults and those high in autistic traits at making face-to-face line-of-sight judgements? Autism, 24 (6), 1482–1493.
A McNeill, R Lewis and M Freeth. (2020) Views of adults with 22q11 deletion syndrome on reproductive choices, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, 182 (5), 1284–1287.
A Leedham, A Thompson, R Smith and M Freeth. (2020). 'I was exhausted trying to figure it out': The experiences of females receiving an autism diagnosis in middle to late adulthood. Autism 24(1), 135–146.
A Leedham, A Thompson and M Freeth. (2020) A thematic synthesis of siblings' lived experiences of autism: Distress, responsibilities, compassion and connection, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 97, 103457.
C Lane, L Robinson and M Freeth. (2020). Autistic traits and cognitive abilities associated with two molecular causes of Silver-Russell syndrome, Journal of Abnormal Psychology 129(3), 312–319.
A Pirrone, I Johnson, T Stafford and E Milne. (2020). A diffusion model decomposition of orientation discrimination in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. European Journal of Developmental Psychology 17(2), 213–230
R Al-Jawahiri, M Jones and E Milne. (2019). Atypical neural variability in carriers of 16p11.2 copy number variant, Autism Research, 12(9), 1322–1333.
E Milne, R Gomez, A Giannadou and M Jones. (2019). Atypical EEG in autism spectrum disorder: Comparing a dimensional and a categorical approach, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 128(5), 442–452.
C Lane and M Freeth. (2019). Sotos syndrome In O. Binda (Ed), Chromatin Signaling and Neurological Disorders. (pp.219-234) Academic Press: ISBN: 978-0-12-813796-3.
E Milne, S Dunn, C Zhao and M Jones. (2019). Altered neural dynamics in people who report spontaneous out of body experiences, Cortex 111, 87–99.
C Lane, J van Herwegen and M Freeth. (2019). Exploring the approximate number system in Sotos syndrome: Insights from a dot comparison task, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 63(8), 917–925.
C Lane, J van Herwegen and M Freeth. (2019). Parent-reported communication abilities of children with Sotos syndrome: evidence from the children's communication checklist-2. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49(4), 1475–1483.
C Treweek, C Wood, J Martin and M Freeth. (2019). Autistic people's perspectives on stereotypes: an interpretative phenomenological analysis, Autism 23(3), 759–769.
C Lane, E Milne and M Freeth. (2019). The cognitive profile of Sotos Syndrome, Journal of Neuropsychology, 13(2), 240–252.
C Kelly, G Morgan, M Freeth, M Siegal and D Matthews. (2019). The understanding of communicative intentions in children with severe-to-profound hearing loss, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 24(3), 245–254.
J Simpson, M Freeth and K Thwaites. (2019). Understanding visual engagement with urban street edges along non-pedestrianised and pedestrianised streets using mobile eye-tracking sustainability, 11(15), 4251.
J Simpson, M Freeth and K Thwaites. (2019). Visual engagement with urban street edges: insights using mobile eye-tracking. Journal of Urbanism, 12(3), 259–278
M Freeth and P Bugembe. (2019). Social partner gaze direction and conversational phase; factors affecting social attention during face-to-face conversations in autistic adults? Autism 23(2) 503–513.
E Milne, S Dunn, C Zhao and M Jones. (2019). Altered neural dynamics in people who report spontaneous out of body experiences, Cortex, 111, 87–99.
M Balasubramanian, N Fratzl-Zelman, R O'Sullivan, M Bull, NFA Peel, RC Pollitt, ...P Roschger. (2018) Novel PLS3 variants in X-linked osteoporosis: exploring bone material properties, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, 176 (7) 1578–1586
A Pirrone, W Wen, S Li, DH Baker and E Milne. (2018). Autistic traits in the neurotypical population do not predict increased response conservativeness in perceptual decision making, Perception, 47(10-11), 1081–1096.
C Kalfaoglu, T Stafford and E Milne. (2018). Frontal theta band oscillations predict error correction and posterror slowing in typing, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 44(1), 69.
M Balasubramanian, R Jones, E Milne, C Marshall, P Arundel, K Smith and NJ Bishop. (2018). Autism and heritable bone fragility: a true association? Bone Reports, 8, 156–162.
E Morgan, M Freeth and D Smith. (2018). Mental state attributions mediate the gaze cueing effect. Vision 2(1), 11, doi: 10.3390/vision2010011
A Dickinson, R Gomez, M Jones, V Zemon and E Milne. (2018). Lateral inhibition in the autism spectrum: an SSVEP study of visual cortical lateral interactions. Neuropsychologia doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2018.02.018.
E Milne, A Dickinson and R Smith. (2017). Adults with autism spectrum conditions experience increased levels of anomalous perception, PLoS ONE 12(5), e0177804.
R Al-jawahiri and E Milne. (2017). Resources available for autism research in the big data era: a systematic review, PeerJ, 5, e2880–e2880.
A Pirrone, A Dickinson, R Gomez, T Stafford and E Milne. (2017) Understanding perceptual judgment in Autism Spectrum Disorder using the drift diffusion model, Neuropsychology, 31(2), 173–180.
C Lane, E Milne and M Freeth. (2017). Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Sotos Syndrome, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 47(1), 135–143.
M Bruyns-Haylett, J Luo, AJ Kennerley, S Harris, L Boorman, E Milne, N Vautrelle, Y Hayashi, BJ Whalley, M Jones, J Berwick, J Riera and Y Zheng. (2017). The neurogenesis of P1 and N1: a concurrent EEG/LFP study, NeuroImage, 146(1), 575–588.
D Denis, R Rowe, AM Williams and E Milne. (2017). The role of cortical sensorimotor oscillations in action anticipation. Neuroimage, 146, 1102–1114.